Jefferson County Historical Society (JCHS) depends on support from people like you to help us fulfill our mission: to preserve the historical resources and records of Jefferson County and to foster their use, understanding and enjoyment through stewardship and education. Support of the historical society has been received from almost every state in the Union and several foreign countries. Today our Society has a membership of hundreds and many more involved in a variety of activities related to preserving the rich history of Mr. Jefferson’s county.

Become a member: Annual Membership $25.00 | Lifetime Membership $500.00

Our Spring and Fall membership meeting feature presentations of some aspect of local history. Dates of these events are announced via a postcard to all members and advertised in our newsletter — The Guardian, on our Facebook page, and here on our website.

The event everyone looks forward to is the summer picnic, normally held the 1st Wednesday in August each year. Our picnics have been held on the lawn of historical homes in Jefferson County. Everyone brings a dish to share and the main course, drinks and utensils are provided. This is the largest attendance we have each year as everyone gets to visit and tour the house following a short presentation by the owner. The picnic has been held at 51 historic homes and we have many more to enjoy for the future.

Included in your membership are 3 newsletters per year and The Magazine which has been published annually since 1935. Each issue of The Magazine is a collection of articles about Jefferson County history, its people and its historic homes. You can join by mailing your check to: JCHS, PO Box 485, Charles Town, WV 25414 or complete the online. All payments received by September 30th are included in the current year. All payments after September 30th will be applied to the following year. Prefer to print our membership form and send in the mail with your check? PDF of Membership Form.

Membership Form

Join the JCHS today!

JCHS is run by a board of volunteers who are here to answer questions or to connect.

Our staff of volunteers will get back to you.